Open Network Evaluation, Troubleshooting & Optimization Suite

For interactive applications. Based on the Quality of Outcome standard.

network x-ray can be integrated into your client and server, providing a continuous, behind the scenes, evaluation of the network in relation to your app's network requirements. If the network quality is found to be insufficient, an event is sent and an optional UX can be displayed to the user. If the user's Internet Service Provider supports network x-ray diagnostics, both you and the user will have access to privacy-friendly troubleshooting.

Easily Evaluate the Network with Everything Taken Care of

Is implementing a network test and a UX on your backlog? Does poor network quality degrade your app? Can you guide your user to improve the network quality?

Do you not want to learn the ins and outs of networking quality and testing and reinvent the wheel? Fear not, we’ve got this covered.

How should you test the network?

How much load should there be?


To which server? Does the server scale?

Bandwidth? Packet loss? Latency?

Ping? TWAMP? STAMP? Downloads?

90th percentile? 99th percentile?

Can we ignore the outliers?

Ping? TWAMP? STAMP? Downloads?

Evaluate the Network in the Context of Your Applications Requirement

Set the latency requirements of your app (or which app type you are) and get continuous background evaluation between client and server that sends events when the network quality is insufficient.

✓ Ready made UX

✓ Unique insights

You can collect the network quality data and get a better understanding of the network quality your users are meeting. Network statistics and the Quality of Outcome framework, can help you gain insights into network performance and make informed decisions on how to optimize it for the best possible experience.

Bad network!!

Who’s a good network?

You’re a good network!

If Internet Service Providers (ISPs) support network x-ray, your app users will be able to take action to improve their network experience with real-time suggestions presented in simple language, with links to take correct actions, all the while privacy is protected through anonymous data sharing. The tool's continuous monitoring and testing of the user's network enables constant improvement of their experience and enhances the overall experience of your app.

Calling ISPs for Even Better Troubleshooting

Calling Network Operators for APIs

Some network operators have started implementing the APIs for improving quality. To use it, each app must register to each network operator and call specifically to their cloud. Sounds fun to implement? If not, you are lucky as network x-ray aims to support all operators and abstract this complexity away from app developers. Simply implement the Client SDK and configure what type of app you are, and we will take care of the rest.

Configure and Customize

network x-ray can be customized to fit the unique needs of your application and scenario.

✓ Customize to your application's network requirements

✓ Adjust the colors, fonts, and size to match your app

✓ Choose when to display network x-ray's diagnostics constantly or only when network quality falls below the requirements of your app

Implement in Interactive Web-Application in 5 Minutes

An HTML snippet that loads a JavaScript script can easily add all necessary functions to the client side. Setting it up on the cloud is also simple, whether as a virtual machine or as a node.js application on a major cloud provider. Not a web-app? Use the REST API directly.

Don’t let the network get in the way.